The Writing Initiative sponsored a STEM themed field trip to the Yogi Berra Baseball Museum & Learning Center on the campus of Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, on Monday, March 19, 2018. Freshmen and sophomores with an interest or talent in math, science, baseball, and softball were recommended by their teachers and coaches for the experience which examined the physics of baseball and the statistics inherent in the game.
On the bus ride to the museum, students were focused on the richness of the math and science content in baseball recruiting, playing, and winning as well as a thumbnail sketch of the life and career of Yogi Berra by BCHS math instructor and JV baseball coach Kelly McCabe. English teacher and softball coach Monica Hayes and counselors Shawn Mirmina and Foo Field accompanied groups of students as they calculated stride percentages, measured pitching speed with a radar gun, recorded and interpreted probability stats, and figured out batting averages.
Students were free to visit and photograph several museum exhibits of Berra memorabilia before lunch at Sam’s Place on the university campus.